Color Play Friday: Isaac at the Beach

Happy Friday, friends!

If you’re new to Color Play Friday, welcome! This is my fun way of taking a little time each week to expand my color knowledge and fabric-selection skills. Often, a picture will take me completely out of my comfort zone and force me to combine fabrics in a new way.

 You can head over to my Color Play Friday page to see the rules and my palettes and bundles from previous weeks. You can also search #colorplayfriday on Instagram to see lots of palettes and bundles from the past! If you’d like to know more about participating in Color Play Friday, please feel free send me an email and I’ll let you in on all the details of how to join.

I took this photo a few years ago, but I just love the bright colors!

Isaac at the Beach

Originally, I planned on using all Art Gallery Fabrics this week, with their denim for those sky blues from the picture. None of the denims worked for the colors I needed, but I was so happy with the bright, fun colors I was seeing on the Art Gallery website, that I decided to stick with a fully AGF bundle.


Here are the fabrics I chose:

Dana Willard, Fiesta Fun, Mexican Dress Midnight

Katarina Roccella Inblue, Chinoiserie in Kobalt

Art Gallery Fabrics, Round Elements, Crystaline Blue

Art Gallery Fabrics, Oval Elements, Peacock

Art Gallery Fabrics, Oval Elements, Green Apple

Art Gallery Fabrics, Prisma Elements, Passion Garnet


Instead of linking fabrics individually, this week I’m just going to send you to the Art Gallery Fabrics website. There’s so much beautiful stuff to look at there!


A note about scale:

  • While I believe scale is a very important part of fabric selection, the fabrics shown in my Color Play images are not always perfectly to scale. I do my best, by you should always double check scale before ordering!

Sarah at 123Quilt did a bundle this week too. Check it out here!

Also, our photo for next week is from Sarah! I can’t wait to play with all those warm colors!

Wine Cellar by Sarah of 123 Quilt

I hope you can join us next week!

Happy Sewing, ~L


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