My First Scope

Hello friends!

Have you heard about the new Periscope app? I first heard about it on a post from Night Quilter where she tells about a Studio Hop in which she participated. Basically, you can use it to live stream to your followers whenever you want. I thought it was a great way of connecting, but didn’t join up until a couple of days ago.

Well, I love it.

You can follow people, and when they’re broadcasting live you get a notification on your phone.  You can either connect live or watch the ‘Scope’ anytime in the following 24 hours, after which they’re gone.  I’m told you can use the Katchme app to make your videos available permanently. I’ve downloaded that app, but haven’t used it yet so I can’t tell you how it works!

I’d love it if you headed on over to watch my Scope or become a follower if you missed it this time around. I’m really excited about being able to connect with you in a new way.

And since this post doesn’t have any pictures yet, here’s some quilty eye candy to tide you over! This is the rainbow portion of my stash.

Laurel and Pine Stashie Photo

Happy Sewing! ~L


  1. Thank you for joining us! This is such a brand new thing, but we are having so much fun playing around with it. We are still working on the best method and plan for our Tuesday night scope hangouts, but we definitely want to make it a regular thing and let others join in the fun, too! This is a great way to build and get to know our quilting community. 🙂 Thanks for joining in and see you next Tuesday!


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